I use cupping as part of my wellness routine to release toxins, support my immune system, increase mobility and muscle stability. And of course RELAXATION! Enjoy the learning, celebrate and understand how your body functions, and happy cupping.
Therapeutic cupping massage is a wonderful tool that can easily be done at home or by a professional massage therapist to help relax tense muscles, tight necks, and other areas of the body. Cupping draws on the muscles and is not a compressive action, making it favorable when wanting to release fascia that has become dysfunctional, tight, or shortened.
Fascia is the generous and utmost connective tissue in our body. We have three different types of fascia (deep, visceral, or parietal) that envelope and keep every organ, bone, and muscle in place. Fascia’s healthy state (which is a relaxed, sinuous connective tissue) is compromised via trauma, stress, injury, and inflammation. This creates a loss of flexibility and resilience as well as pain or discomfort.
These guiding questions can kick off your research about cupping massage and fascia:
What is cupping?
How does cupping work?
Who can perform cupping?
What are the benefits of cupping?
Where can I purchase cupping tools and which ones are useful for my cupping needs?
What are the different methods of cupping? static cupping? gliding cupping?
What are the signs of tight fascia?
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